September's Athlete of the Month is Corey Derr!
You may see not him around too often unless you're joining the early birds at 5:30 am or at the Saturday classes every now and then. Corey is what we like to call, a humble lion. He shows up almost every Monday Wednesday and Friday (for the most part) in the darkest of mornings at 5:30. He doesn't say a whole lot--as most of us are still waking up--but once that clock beeps and the workout starts, his inner lion comes out. One of the coolest things we've seen in working with him is his determination and grit. After losing over 30 pounds, his technique and form has improved tremendously and he's even rocking toes to bar and pull ups! You wouldn't know it just by talking to him, but he's accomplished so much in the past year. He's our humble lion who doesn't like to gloat, and just kind of shrugged his shoulders with a smile said "hmm" when I said "YOU DID IT" after completing his first toes to bar! If you've ever been in class with him and his wife Courtney then you already know how amazing they are! To learn a little more about Corey, check out his story below!
1. What made you decide you wanted to start CrossFit?
Before I started CrossFit I realized that over the recent years I have seen my weight continuously increasing. I was also even feeling more self conscious of my weight. When my wife told me that she wanted to start I figured I would give it a try as I needed to try something.
2. What are some of the biggest benefits/results you've seen since starting?
I have lost over 30 pounds since I started almost a year ago. My confidence has increased and I have seen increases in my abilities with the workouts. For example when I did my first baseline my time was just over 12 minutes and I felt like I was ready to die after. The last time I did baseline I finished in less than half that time and I am ready for more after. I have also noticed on mornings that I go to CrossFit I am in a good mood and more energetic for the rest of the day.
3. What would you say to someone on the fence about trying CrossFit?
To start the coaches are all great and very motivating as well as all the other people in the classes. The feeling of accomplishments after first time achievements (such as first toes to bar) and beating a previous workout keeps me wanting to come back and continue to improve. For anyone on the fence about joining I would tell them that I was in their shoes. Before I started, I thought CrossFit was for someone who was already very athletic and whatever other ideas you might think about CrossFit without really knowing about it. So I would suggest to give it a try. I know that is cliche but my Mom always told me to try something before turning my nose up at it. Based on my experience try it for at least two months you will notice improvements and wanting more.
4. What's a fun fact about yourself?
After college I joined Isshinryu karate for four years reaching the rank of brown belt.