We all get beat up occasionally. I can personally think of some major challenges that have happened in my life and even right now if I am honest.
It is important for us to fail and fail often. When we fail we are getting ourselves on step closer to being successful. We can’t let that failure stop us or prevent us from pushing forward towards our goals.
If you aren’t failing you aren’t trying enough. You are playing it too safe.
When I get to the end I want to be scarred and leathered with a big huge smile on my face that I played the life game 100 percent.
In the gym we want you to fail. We want you to try new things. We encourage it. If you try for a handstand push up for the first time and fall its great. It shows you are trying and you are keeping your ego at bay. Who cares how you look while are trying. Sure you are failing but you are getting better.
Heck the people who you would actually care about know that when you fail or fall you are just getting better.
We want you to fail. We know at the core of it it is the ONLY way to make you successful and get the results you want.
Have you ever “fallin off the wagon” ?
We all have. We all DO!
The great quote. It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down it’s how many times you get back up.
If you fall off at the gym GET BACK UP!
You may have missed a few days or week, heck even a month! Get back on the horse. Failure is fine, embrace it as good. Learn from your mistakes.
Maybe you haven’t progressed “fast enough”. Same thing just keep chugging along.
Dust off the dirt and get back up. Who cares that you fell off. It only matters that you got back up.
So if you fall off a little with your fitness it’s okay. Just get back into the swing of things starting today or tomorrow morning.
Remember 1 workout a week is one million times better than No workout a week. Also one workout a week is still 52 WORKOUTS A YEAR. Almost 2 months of fitness!
See you in class.
All the best.
Benjamin Krymis, Co-Founder and CEO
FIT TIP – If you struggle with getting “full” at meals at home, have lots of fresh veggies around. They take a while to chew and also take up a lot of space in the stomach, helping to tell your brain that you’re full.
Athlete Good News
Breanne C ran her fastest 5k ever
Tim B is down 11 Pounds after his 101
Carlos S lost 7 Pounds after his 101
Tanya hit a 195 Squat clean at open gym!
Nora keeps rocking box jumps, keep it up!
Jimmy L is down over 20lbs since February!
Kathy A first rope climb
JR is stringing together kipping handstand push-ups
Kayla P pr’d her strict press 3 @ 75
Tom C pr’d his strict press 3@ 105
David S. pr’d his Baseline and RX’d for the first time!