I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about having quite hours AKA none electronic hours in the house.
Trisha and I try our best not to use electronics after 9:00PM. Some days it is harder than others but we do our best. It is good for your clarity and every single relationship around you. You can read, meditate, do mobility, reproduce, anything besides looking at a glowing piece of plastic. It is so important for your health to let your head wind down before bed. If you are going into a social vortex or cramming in late night work you may be going to bed with a very stressed-out head. I know that some of us have work that needs to get done it happens to me sometimes also and that is life. Try and do your best not to make it a regular habit, really no more than once a week.
There is a whole other topic to talk about on quality of work.
When your head is fresh and energy is up you are ready to go you can get so much more work completed in the day. If you push it at the end without breaks the quality of work may be bad. Then you aren’t doing your best, in which case what’s the point? Or it’s just full of mistakes…
Something to consider is planning out your next day and visualizing it in your head before you go to bed. Say to yourself:
1. 3 things you are grateful for today.
2. What could you have done better today?
3. What do you want tomorrow to be like.
I do this virtually every night. You can just think about it or journal it. Your subconscious will help to manifest this the following day. It may help you have a grateful, fulfilling and accomplished day. Some great books to read are Psycho-Cybernetics and Think & Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill has a story about how he came up with the title. He knew how to set problem into his subconscious the night before he needed to come up with a working title. So the night before he set the question into his mind knowing that the next day the answer would manifest. It was simple he kept saying think, think, think. Hence the title Think and Grow Rich.
Try a 21 day challenge! 21 days of no electronics after a set time in the afternoon or night. It is a great exercise to add challenges all over your life to see what you like and don’t like.
Give it a try…
All the best.

Benjamin Krymis, Co-Founder and CEO
Quick Tip
Fit Tip – Consistency is the theme of this weeks fit tip. You need to know how long it actually takes to reach your goals and give your goals time to develop. It may take a year to add 10lbs to a lift or cut a minute off a benchmark workout. More importantly though, shedding excess weight and improving your vital health markers take just as much time and consistency. Give your program time to grow, eat well consistently, and don’t forget to fit in a small treat or day off appropriately. That is the only way you will see the results you want. Yo-yoing between different food plans or working out and not working out is a sure fire way to remain the same you’ve always been.
Coach Mike Giaquinto
Good News
Rick got 21 MUs in a workout this week, Most ever in one sitting!
Sara first kipping pull up!
Tim K pr’d 2 rep power clean at 185
Carrie H first double under
Kim B first double under
Cruz got his first DU this week
Jorge J with a huge pr last night moved from 85lb ohs for 3 to 135 for 1! Moved his hands a little closer on the bar and feet a tad bit wider made a big difference more importantly he seemed confident.
Kara.V 90lb for 1 ohs pr
Eileen.H 95lb for 2 ohs pr
Dom.G 165lb for 1 ohs pr
Enrica.S 90lb for 1 ohs pr
Allyson.O 95lb for 2 ohs pr
Jan.O 85lb 1 rep back squat pr
Meghan.B 90lb for 1 ohs pr
Tanya.L 170lb ohs for 1 pr (finally got that back jerk)