“You cannot exercise away a bad diet.” —Greg Glassman, CrossFit Founder and CEO
If you haven’t ever heard Greg Speak, check out some youtube videos. Brilliant guy. You cannot exercise away a bad diet. Why did he say that and what does he mean? Well specifically he is battling big soda right now. All the sugar they are marketing to the world especially aiming campaigns at kids. Sugar is very bad for you.
To me it means that nutrition is 95 percent of your health and wellness. No one wants to hear it. We all want it to not be true. You can’t eat McDonalds and Pizza everyday and just hit the gym and think that you will see results. You will gain lean muscle and that will help but you will still gain body fat. You simply will not burn enough calories to lose body fat. Not when you’re eating all that sugar and junk food (white breads are sugar btw, might as well chug two pepsi’s).
Exercise is priceless in its benefits but it is only part of the solution. Diet and nutrition need to be followed. Another example, we all know anti-oxidants are good. We read that everywhere. Even some candy has that on it. So oxidants are bad. They are corrosive in our system. Rust is an oxidant. It makes sense to get oxidants and rust out of our system. That is why we want anti-oxidants. Sugar is an oxidant. It is rust in your engine. It is corrosive and it will increase the effects of aging.
The solution is simple. Meats and veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit some starch NO SUGAR. There is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s our box and our coaches. We are hear to teach you all how to live better and healthier.
All the best.

Benjamin Krymis, Co-Founder and CEO
Quick Tip
Fit Tip – Schedule it in. Let’s be serious, we write down and schedule in our most important dates and appointments to remember. Is it fair for your appointments to take care of your health and fitness to be any different? At the end of the day shouldn’t those be the most important appointments because without or health we can’t possibly do anything positive in life’s other appointments? Don’t forget to schedule in your classes and block out time for yourself. Having a schedule may give you some more accountability.
Coach Mike Giaquinto
Athlete Good News
Ron B, Mike C, and Brian P all not only beat their baseline times, but all lost about 1.5% body fat in their first three weeks of 101!
Julie M RX’d her first workout!
Will B PR’d Sumo Deadlift 455×1
Laura P PR’d Sumo Deadlift 205×2
Tanya L finished 9th at the reindeer games at crossfit j town and Eileen H also finished 9th in the scaled division at the reindeer games at crossfit j town over this past weekend. (First out of box competition for Eileen!)
Tom G completed the battle frog in Orlando this past weekend
Brock J is already down 6lbs after 3 weeks of 101.